Gates Open at 8:00am
Tech Begins 8:15am
Drivers Meeting 9:00am
Track Hot 10:00am or after Drivers Meeting
Track closes at dusk
Track closes at 5:00pm
Must be packed and leaving by 6:40
Gates lock at 7:00pm
Driver Fee $140
Spectator $20
Ages 10 and under Free
DRIVERS please show up 30-45 minutes before driver meetings in order to tech your car
You are responsible for your car
Helmets are required to be DOT approved
Battery must be secured down (not by a bungie cord)
Seat belts, harnesses, etc…. Must be worn at all times when car is mobile
Keep your nuts tight at least torqued to 85 ft lbs and have ALL OF THEM
No leaking fluids period
Must have Fire extinguisher readily accessible to the Driver and Passengers
Must have working wipers and headlights during rain days
Must begin the day of the event with all of your cars exterior fully attached
Corvettes and S-Chassis must have cages to Tandem
Miata and Convertibles must have minimum 6 point cage, fixed back seat, and 6 point harness
GO SLOW in the pit areas, 5mph is REQUIRED NO JOKE
Drivers that go off track repeatedly will be asked to take a break and/or refresh on the skid pad.
Broken up into 3 standard classes as listed below
A Drivers - Full Access, Tandems do Require Full Cage. These Drivers that have the skill level and necessary safety gear, etc. They have no real issues controlling their car on track but are working on honing their skills in order to close the proximity to other cars or pushing themselves to reach a more professional level. Getting to A is not just about having a caged rig and safety gear. It is showing that you can follow and show consistent car control behind others and be able to escape if the lead goes off track or spins out.
B Drivers - NO Tandems, Spread out on track, Yield to A Drivers. Meaning, if they are coming up on you from behind, take one of the exits on the left and circle back around. Be very situationally aware of your surroundings. These Drivers are in the development of mastering the track and it's rules. They are practicing and working up to linking the whole track consistently. Through B they are learning what they need to now in order to essentially graduate safely to the A Tandem games of leading and chasing.
C Drivers - Skid Pad Only, Graduation to B Class on IAS Drift Approval. This group of drivers are learning the basic fundamentals of car control. Limits are confined to the skid pad with donuts, figure 8's, mini track, and the ability to control angle of the car without spinning out. Once these skills can be consistently proven on the skid pad then you will graduate to B class upon IAS Drift staff approval.